Lab 9 Solution - search.asp

<%@ language=VBScript %>
<% option explicit %>
<!-- #include file = "includes/shop.asp" -->
const cRECMAX = 5
const cSQL = "Select ProductID, ProductName, ProductDescription, InStock, Price From Product"

dim i		'as integer
dim j		'as integer
dim s		'as string
dim t		'as string
dim BCOLOR	'as string
dim sSQL
dim sTitle
dim RS 		'as recordset

dim sView
dim iPage  
dim myRETURN    'as string

sView=cInt("0" & Trim(request("VW")))
iPage=cInt("0" & Trim(request("PG")))
myRETURN = MakeReturn(sSEARCH)

Function DoNav(myReturn,myPage,MaxPage)

	dim sret

	sRet = ""
	sRet = sRet & "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>"
	sRet = sRet & "<tr>"
	sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='left'><a href='Search.asp?VW=0'><font color='#000000'>New Search</font></a></td>"
	sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='left'><a href='#TOP'><font color='#000000'>Top of Page</font></a></td>"

	if myPage > 1 then
		sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='left'><a href='Search.asp?VW=1&amp;PG=1" & myReturn & "'><font color='#000000'>First Page</font></a></td>"
		sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='right'>&nbsp;</td>"
	end if

	sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='left'>Page " & iPage & " of <a href='Search.asp?VW=1&amp;PG=" & cStr(MaxPage) & myReturn & "'><font color='#000000'>" & MaxPage & "</font></td>"

	if myPage > 1 then
		sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='right'><a href='Search.Asp?VW=1&amp;PG=" & cStr(myPage-1) & myReturn & "'><font color='#000000'>Previous " & cRECMAX & "</font></a></td>"
		sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='right'>&nbsp;</td>"
	end if

	if myPage < MaxPage Then
		sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='right'><a href='Search.Asp?VW=1&amp;PG=" & cStr(myPage+1) & myReturn & "'><font color='#000000'>Next " & cRECMAX & "</font></a></td>"
		sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='right'>&nbsp;</td>"
	end if

	sRet = sRet & "<td bgcolor=" & cMdBlue & " align='right'><a href='Cart.Asp?VW=0&PG=" & iPage & "&amp;sSEARCH=" & sSEARCH & "'><font color='#000000'>View Cart</font></a></td>"

	sRet = sRet & "</tr>"
	sRet = sRet & "</table>" & vbCrLf

	DoNav = sRet
	exit function

End Function



<title>Shop Product Search Page</title>
<meta name="description" content="Search page for Shop demonstration web site.">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../csc123.css">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0">

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="includes/Header.asp" -->

Select Case sView

Case 1:

response.write "<h3>Search Results for '<em>" & sSEARCH & "</em>'"

if len(sSEARCH) > 0 then

	sSQL = ""
	sTitle = ""

	sSQL = sSQL & " (ProductName Like '%" & sSEARCH & "%') or "
	sTitle = sTitle & "Product Name or"
	sSQL = sSQL & " (ProductDescription Like '%" & sSEARCH & "%') or "
	sTitle = sTitle & "Product Description or"

	sSQL = Trim(sSQL)
	sSQL = Left(sSQL,Len(sSQL)-3)
	sSQL = "(" & sSQL & ") and (CatalogID = 1)"
	sTitle = Trim(sTitle)
	sTitle = Left(sTitle,Len(sTitle)-3)

	sSQL = cSQL & " Where " & sSQL & " Order By ProductName "

	set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
	rs.ActiveConnection = cDSN
	rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
	rs.LockType = adLockReadOnly
	rs.cursorLocation = adUseServer
	rs.PageSize = cRECMAX
	rs.Source = sSQL

	if iPage < 1 then iPage = 1
	if iPage > rs.PageCount Then iPage = rs.PageCount
	If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then rs.AbsolutePage = iPage

	If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
		response.write "<p>No matching records, <a href='Search.Asp'>Search Again</a><p>"
	Else 'recordcount
		Response.Write DoNav(myRETURN, iPage, rs.PageCount)
		Response.Write "<table width='100%' Border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4'>" & vbCrLf

		'Write out Column Names
		Response.Write "<tr>" & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & cDkBLUE & " align='left' valign='top'><b><font color=" & cWhite & ">Product Name</font></b></td>"  & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & cDkBLUE & " align='left' valign='top'><b><font color=" & cWhite & ">Description</font></b></td>" & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & cDkBLUE & " align='left' valign='top'><b><font color=" & cWhite & ">Stock</font></b></td>" & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "<td bgcolor=" & cDkBLUE & " align='right' valign='top'><b><font color=" & cWhite & ">Price</font></b></td>" & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf

		'Write out all rows values
		For J = 1 To cRECMAX
			if J mod 2 = 0 then bColor = " bgcolor=" & cLtBlue & " "

			if rs.Eof Then
				exit for
			end if

			Response.Write "<tr>"  & vbCrLf

			T = "<td align='left' valign='top' " & bCOLOR & ">"
			S = Trim(rs("ProductName") & "")
			If len(S) = 0 Then S = "Product #" & rs("ProductID")
			'Note sView, ID, iPage and sSEARCH passed to next page
			response.write T & "<a href='Product.Asp?VW=1&amp;ProductID=" & rs("ProductID") & "&amp;PG=" & iPage & "&amp;SEARCH=" & sSEARCH & "'>" & s & "</a></td>"  & vbCrLf

			T = "<td align='left' valign='top' " & bCOLOR & ">"
			S = Trim(rs("ProductDescription") & "")
			If len(S) = 0 Then S = "&nbsp;"
			response.write T & S & "</td>"  & vbCrLf

			T = "<td align='left' valign='top' " & bCOLOR & ">"
			S = Trim(rs("InStock") & "")
			If len(S) = 0 Then S = "0"
			S = FormatNumber(s,0)
			response.write T & StockLevel(s) & "</td>" & vbCrLf

			T = "<td align='right' valign='top' " & bCOLOR & ">"
			S = Trim(rs("Price") & "")
			If len(S) = 0 Then S = "0.00"
			S = FormatCurrency(s,2)
			response.write T & S & "</td>" & vbCrLf

			Response.Write "</tr>" & vbCrLf
		Response.Write "</table>"  & vbCrLf

		Response.Write DoNav(myRETURN, iPage, rs.PageCount)
	End if  'recordcount

	set rs=nothing

Else  'sSEARCH
	response.write "<p>Please Specifiy a Search String, <a href='Search.Asp'>Search Again</a><p>"
End If  'sSEARCH

Case Else

<p>Please search our catalog of products by supplying a keyword.</p>
<form method="POST" action="Search.asp?VW=1&PG=1">
  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
      <td>Search String</td>
      <td><input type="text" name="SEARCH" size="20"></td>
      <td><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Reset"
End Select

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="includes/Footer.asp" -->